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Miles Davis Janis Joplin Jimi Hendrix Pink Floyd Sly Stone Glosarios

Ilusiones ópticas reales » Comentadas (2)
Con comentarios en inglés. Cortesía de
« 1 2 3 4 [5] »
The circle is perfectly round.
The circle is perfectly round.
The horizontal lines in the middle are not sloped.
The horizontal lines in the middle are not sloped.
The lines are parallel to each other.
The lines are parallel to each other.
The lines are parallel to each other.
The lines are parallel to each other.
The spots in the junctions are just deception of your eyes.
The spots in the junctions are just deception of your eyes.
The two floors has got be unconnected.
The two floors has got be unconnected.
The two lines in the middle of each figure are not sloped.
The two lines in the middle of each figure are not sloped.
The width and the height of the hat are the same.
The width and the height of the hat are the same.
There is one more gazelle within the branches
There is one more gazelle within the branches
Three rods have equal length.
Three rods have equal length.
Tried counting the prongs in the figure?
Tried counting the prongs in the figure?
Two old people, or...
Two old people, or...
What are these men doing?
What are these men doing?
What colour are the spots between the squares? Black or white?
What colour are the spots between the squares? Black or white?
What kind of a shelf is this?
What kind of a shelf is this?
Where are these holes? :)
Where are these holes? :)
Where is the green side back or front?
Where is the green side back or front?
Where is the missing piece?
Where is the missing piece?
Which one is going to finish first? :)
Which one is going to finish first? :)
Whose face is this?
Whose face is this?
« 1 2 3 4 [5] »

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